Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Het Heilige Boekenplein

Dit artikel verscheen op 9 september in Het Parool:

Met veel dank aan Hanneloes Pen en Corrie Verkerk.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

State of the building Sept. 14, 2006 - still much to do!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

First book bought at American Discount Book Center

On the ABC website, I read that you're interested in names and short descriptions of people's first book(s) bought at the American Discount Book Center.

I think I bought my first book in the Amsterdam store, around 1991. My brother got me interested in fantasy novels, and with a few weeks worth of saved pocket money, I took the bus and train from the small rural town Zierikzee to the Big City, Amsterdam. I had read the first three Dragonlance books, and I bought "Tanis, the Shadow Years", by Barbara Siegel and Scott Siegel (also part of the Dragonlance series), along witht the AD&D 2nd edition Players Handbook.

Nowadays, I live in The Hague, and work at about 10 minutes walking distance from the Lange Poten office. Thanks for offering a great collection of books!


Jeroen van Luin.

Spui 12 part of 'Urban Views'

On September 1st a performance was presented by Floor van Keulen and René Oey, titled 'Stadsgezichten' ('Urban Views'). Live made drawings and texts were projected from a car via a video beam on wat soon will be the new American Book Center.

For more information on 'Stadsgezichten/Urban Views' see

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Do you remember which books you first bought from us?

Dear ABC,

I am an American academic who moved to Amsterdam on June 1, 1972. Since 1955 I have also been an avid reader of Science Fiction; a true fan. Upon my arrival her, the only English-language source of SF was the meager selection stocked by the Bruna boekhandel in the Leidsestraat. I desired something more extensive, and was tremendously delighted when the "American Discount" opened, not long after my move to the Netherlands. What delighted me the most was the truly excellent selection of SF books. I was probably one of your first customers. I still am no doubt one of your most faithful.

If I remember correctly, the first book I bought from you was one of Samuel R. Delany's fine SF novels. I kept on going from there and haven't stopped. I visit your store at least once per week or once per two weeks. Since 1972 my tastes have changed from American SF to the most recent British stuff. The UK is now world leader in innovative SF. It's no doubt thanks to Karin's fine taste that I have been able to keep up with this and other developments. I am almost 64 and your Monday discount for people over 55 is a great help. Do keep up your wonderful selection in your new location. All the best of luck with your move.

Yours, George Berger

Do you remember which books you first bought from us?

My father bought me Anne of Avonlea, it must have been around 1975. It was an American edition. Quite different in comparison to my English edition of Anne of Green Gables. The paper was much courser and the edges were stained yellow, something I hadn't seen before. The book was also smaller and the picture of Anne on the cover didn't resemble the Anne I knew. Once "inside" these things didn't matter though.

B. Visser

Bender heeft ook verbouwd

Pianohandel Bender, dat later Ypma heette , heeft ook een verbouwing laten doen.

Radboud van Beekum hierover:

'...De verbouwing door architect Cornelis Kruyswijk in 1930 is zeer bepalend geworden voor de uitstraling en indeling van het pand hede ten dage. Het complex van toon- en gehoorzalen ten behoeve van de vooraanstaande pianohandel Bender kreeg een nieuwe strakke gevelindeling, die door de Schoonheidscommissie destijds zeer geroemd werd. Een verborgen Aeolische orgel was een attractie, en de akoestiek van de ruimten uitstekend. Er was ruim aandacht in de pers voor deze verbouwing.

Na de oorlog werd er een zeer lelijlke verdieping op het dak toegevoegd. De architect daarvan moet maar onbekend blijven. Gegevens over dit pand, met foto en plattegronden, kunt u nalezen in mijn boek Cornelis Kruyswijk, Amsterdamse school architect 1884-1935, verschenen in maart van dit jaar bij Toth in Bussem. p. 70-73 en p. 86'

Radboud van Beekum
Stichting Boeyinga